When potential customers encounter our NES Reliable Bistro Chair they often think we’re reselling Grosfillex’s Miami Bistro Chair.
Because they look so similar in their designs and have similar names.

The question we get asked the second most often is:
Do NES Reliable Bistro Chairs stack with Grosfillex Miami Bistro Chairs?
Grosfillex’s chair is a slightly bigger chair so the stacking with the NES bistro chair isn’t optimal however the chairs DO stack.
NES Reliable Bistro Chair Stacked on Top of Grosfillex Miami Bistro Chair
We’d rather be honest with you then you buy a number of NES Reliable Bistro Chairs thinking they’ll stack perfectly with your existing Grosfillex chairs. While they aren’t perfect, they do still stack.
Alternatively, the NES Reliable Bistro Chairs stack perfectly with one another.
If you have Grosfillex Miami Bistro Chairs, a 3” gap between chairs is OK with you, and you’re interested in a quote of our Bistro Chairs including wholesale pricing and volume discounts: