Restaurants are notoriously tight on profit margins and every way of reducing operating expenses helps a restaurant’s bottom line and equals more revenue. Energy costs can eat up a huge portion of a restaurant’s operating expenses. There are a lot of energy sucking appliances that exist in a commercial kitchen.
If you’ve ever wondered how a restaurant can reduce energy costs, then look no further than the infographic below from Powerhouse Dynamics. They figured out which systems and appliances consume the most energy in a full-service restaurant.
For example, they found that food preparation equipment accounts for 40% of a total restaurant’s energy use, the most of any restaurant component. They also found that reducing energy use by 20% could increase profits by 10% - which is a huge percentage when the average restaurant’s profit margin is 10%.
Check it out to see savings tips on various appliances and systems in the kitchen and dining areas.
Are there any energy optimization tips you use that aren’t mentioned on this graphic? Let us know by tweeting us @NatlEventSupply, post on our timeline on Facebook, our page on LinkedIn or Google.